Schooner Woodwind

2025 Sailing Season starts April 12th!

Stranded on an Island

Bottles of wine and a wine glass on the schooner for Wine in the Wind

This was the theme for our August Wine in the Wind trip.Featuring wines from New Zealand, Australia and Sardinia!! And the foods that were paired with the wines Fantastico!! Apple chicken curry salad cups w/ macadamia nuts, New Zealand Lamb and mint Meatball skewers, Australian BBQ Prawns and Sardinian Fennel, chick pea and pecorino salad … Read more

Another great day on the water…..

Woodwind sailing into the sunset

What a great day for sailing. Then again I have never seen a bad day for sailing. Any day on the water is a good day. The winds started off a little light in the morning as did the crowds. But as the day progressed the winds picked up and the number of passengers increased. … Read more

It doesn’t get any better than this……

Beer tasting on the Schooner Woodwind with Flying Dog Brewery

How could it. Sailing on the Schooner Woodwind and Flying dog Beer. Every Tuesday for the month of August is Flying Dog Beer tasting night on the Schooner Woodwind. Tonights line-up included their Woody Creek White, Old Scratch Amber lager and Snake Dog IPA. Ben Wiser from the Flying Dog Brewery was on hand to … Read more

Not Just any Monday…..

What a sky yellows and blues over the schooner and water

Monday started out with a forecast of rain, no wind and not too many passengers signed up. But that all changed! It didn’t rain all day, the wind picked up and blew 10 knots most of the day and everyone figured this out and came sailing with us. Our 1st sail of the day took … Read more

Thomas Point Lighthouse and back……

Thomas Point Lighthouse

Breeze on! We had a wonderful 1st sail with only 4 people all the way down to Thomas Point Lighthouse and back. The wind was blowing 15-18 knots from the NW and it made it an easy sail . Everyone got involved in raising the sails and steering the boat. The crowds were light, I … Read more

Chesapeake Bay Oysters…..and Sailing!

Sunset over Annapolis

History Monday is always a lot of fun. And this Monday proved to be the same. New fact: Did you know Chesapeake is Algonquin for “shellfish bay” ? The winds were very light to start the day off, but picked up a little as the day wore on and we were able to ghost around … Read more

Light but Fun…..

Schooner Woodwind II

Saturday was a great day to be on the water. Actually I don’t think I’ve ever found a day that isn’t better once you get out on a boat. Wind or not. And that’s the way it was today. We did a lot of motoring but saw a lot of great areas and had some … Read more

Fun day of sailing……

Joe at the wheel of the Schooner Woodwind

Thursday was a great day for sailing. The temperature was down and the winds were up . We sailed under the Bay Bridges 3 out of 4 of our trips. We had some great folks out today as well. On our 1st trip of the day Joe came out with his grandfather and helped me … Read more

What a great story…..

Makayla at the wheel of the 74' Schooner Woodwind

  Hello, I have sailed on Woodwind on numerous occasions. I brought my young (14 yrs.) niece to to enjoy her first sail on Tuesday, July 16th. We were on the 11 a.m. 2 -hour Public Cruise. She LOVED it. She volunteered to raise the sails and she got the opportunity to take the wheel. … Read more

She said yes…And they said I do!!

Introducing Alex and Sara Patterson just married on the schooner

What a day we had today on the Woodwind II. Not only was the weather spectacular and the winds great, but we had a wedding proposal on one of our sails and a wedding on another. I looked down from the steering wheel just in time to see Michael Casson slide down to one knee … Read more
