Sailing Season is Here. Join Us for a Sail!

It doesn’t get any better than this……

How could it. Sailing on the Schooner Woodwind and Flying dog Beer.

Every Tuesday for the month of August is Flying Dog Beer tasting night on the Schooner Woodwind. Tonights line-up included their Woody Creek White, Old Scratch Amber lager and Snake Dog IPA.

Free tastes for everyone!!
Free tastes for everyone!!

Ben Wiser from the Flying Dog Brewery was on hand to explain all about the beers and tell all about the brewery and the processes each beer goes through. Thank you Ben once again. It is always a pleasure to have you aboard!!

Ben from Flying Dog Brewery
Ben from Flying Dog Brewery

So you say free beer and sailing how could it get better? Well let me tell you we had one fabulous sunset and then the full moon rising over Kent Island behind us on the way home! That’s how.

Sun setting between the radio towers at Greenbury Pt.
Sun setting between the radio towers at Greenbury Pt.
Full Moon rising over Kent Island
Full Moon rising over Kent Island

And just a reminder the Brewers Cup Regatta is on September 24th between Flying Dog and Heavy Seas. Capt. Mike vs. Capt. Mickey. Come out and support your favorite beer/team and have a great time!!


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Schooner Woodwind