Sailing Season is Here. Join Us for a Sail!

She said yes…And they said I do!!

What a day we had today on the Woodwind II. Not only was the weather spectacular and the winds great, but we had a wedding proposal on one of our sails and a wedding on another.

Michael down on one knee...
Michael down on one knee…

I looked down from the steering wheel just in time to see Michael Casson slide down to one knee with a ring box in his hand. I fumbled for the camera and got it just in time to catch the magic moment.

What a fun way to propose. And Cherese did say yes…..

Cherese saying yes.
Cherese saying yes.

After saying yes….Michael was so happy he bought champagne for everyone on the boat to celebrate and have a toast with them.

Congratulations Michael and Cherese from the Woodwind Family!!!!!

A toast to happiness!!
A toast to happiness!!

From a proposal to a wedding…..Alex and Sara chose the Woodwind II to invite out their friends and family to share in their joy as they exchanged their vows.

Alex and Sara exchanging vows
Alex and Sara exchanging vows

We were sailing up the Severn river lazily between the bridges into the sunset. What a wonderful setting to be getting married in. The weather and boat ride could not have been more perfect!

I do !!
I do !!

And they sailed off happily ever after……Congratulations from all of the Woodwind family also!!

Introducing Alex and Sara Patterson
Introducing Alex and Sara Patterson



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Schooner Woodwind