It was a cold, drizzly day by the 9 am. As we got the boat ready, we hoped for wonderful people that had a sense of adventure and enthusiasm.
Our first cruise was a 25th Anniversary celebration! Fred and Jody Krazeise were the couple, and they made a weekend of the anniversary for their friends. They all stayed at a local inn, enjoyed the Sailboat Show, and then had a 2-hour sail on the Woodwind. They were ready for adventure and wow, they were enthusiastic. They even had folks from the UK. Perfect British weather we had. Fred sailed for half the cruise and he loved it. I think he’ll be hooked for life on sailing!

The second cruise was our “Brews in the Breeze”, where we had a beer tasting with four beers, local Maryland food and great company. Although it was cold we had brought out the stadium blankets and everyone kept cozy.