Today was a great, very light day. The wind started out very light on our first cruise with just 5 people. It was overcast and cool, and as much as we tried to sail, there was not enough wind. We took them up Back Creek. They really enjoyed it. We had a family from England and a couple from NJ/DC.
On the second cruise, the wind picked up to about 5-10 knots and the sailing was gorgeous. One of my friends from SEAmester program (3 month college semester aboard a 125-foot schooner) brought her family sailing for the first time. The wind cooperated and we sailed into the middle of the Bay.

The third sail… we raise sails and are greeted by a schooner sailing straight towards us. It is “Adventure” and they are sailing with most of their sails up. Mark sails this boat primarily in New England, but this summer he has had work done to his boat in Cambridge and is now on his way back. We race together (different boats) in the Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race. His boat is in a different class than Woodwind, and we both tend to place very well.

As we sailed to greet him, he sails to us, then he tacks back out to the Bay, and we gybe around. It was like synchronized sailing with no script. One might even say it looked like a mating dance between both schooners. We have a longer water line and we soon pass him after a little catching up. What a great way to start the sail! We sailed into the Bay and back with cool breezes.
On the sunset sail, we sailed around the Annapolis area because of the storm line coming from the west. We saw these clouds starting to roll in about half-way through the cruise. As the clouds grew closer the wind stopped blowing. We motored up the Severn towards the dramatic clouds to see the backside of the Naval Academy. I called for the topsail (fisherman) to come down, in case the wind decided to blow strongly. Once the sail came down to the deck the wind filled in with 15 knots. We turned back to Annapolis with a very swift and lovely sail to the harbor.
No lightning, just a very cool breeze was the result of these clouds. We came in about a half hour early to the dock, because I did not know if there was lightning behind this front. Everyone was very pleased not to get wet. 5 minutes later… the heavy rains started. Glad to be at the dock.
My husband and I made our first home on a 1926 John Alden schooner named Salt Wind. She was originally Delight. She is still around. Made a very comfortable home for us. Even won some Bahamian races in the early 1980s. We’re still boaters, however, we’re on a 55′ Fleming motor yacht now. Schooners are but a beautiful memory.
Jennifer, Wanted to add, Salt Wind was 60′ over all, 48′ OD. She had a bow sprit which looked much like Adventure’s and a mahogany bumpkin. She came to us as a center boarder. We had that removed. What are Adventure’s measurements? They look SO much alike. Salt Wind, AKA Delight had a black hull at one time as well.
Oh, forgot to add, she had/has a Marconi main and a gaff rigged fore. Love the full gaff look.
That is such a wonderful story and memories! I have reached out to the owner of this schooner, so I hope he gets in touch with you. Do you have any pics of your boat, SALT Wind?
My Dad restored a 52′ Alden schooner after the 1954 hurricane. She was a Malabar VI and a sister of the Adventurer. She was Rigadoon then but originally Madrigal. A 1926 design 248F. Would love to know if she’s still around.
Today, 13 April 2019, we had the Memorial Service for Mark Emory Faulstick, owner and captain of the sailing vessel Adventurer. His wife Lynn and friends honored Mark and his life at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Preston, Maryland. For those of us who are sailors we enjoyed the facts, stories and maritime achievements which comprised most of his eulogy. I will copy a bit of the service bulletin for you. – “Mark was the proud owner for 37 years of the Alden Malabar VI design Schooner, ADVENTURER and was known in many ports from Maine to The Chesapeake Bay. ADVENTURER was campaigned in many schooner and classic vessel events along the Eastern Seaboard taking home “the iron” many times from Eggemoggin Reach to Newport RI. She participated in The Mayor’s Cup, The Governor’s Cup, Gloucester Schooner Race, The Great Provincetown Schooner Race as well as the Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race, winning six times no matter how big a time penalty he had to overcome. He served on the Board of the Great Chesapeake Schooner Race and was a member and past commodore of the American Schooner Association. In 1991 Mark conducted a complete restoration of ADVENTURER at the Gannon & Benjamin yard on Martha’s Vineyard. Maintaining ADVENTURER in “Bristol Condition” Mark was awarded Best in Show and Best Schooner in Show at the prestigious Mystic Seaport Antique and Classic Boat Rendezvous… To our Captain and friend Mark, fair winds and following seas. ” Words of Remembrance by Joseph Zaraschi. — It’s our pleasure to pass on these words, one sailor to another. Bill & Jean Peterson, Chesapeake Bay.