Our first sail was with 11 people. The wind was beautiful and the clouds reminded me of the Caribbean. We sailed out with great wind for the first half of the trip and then the wind dropped down just as we headed into the Severn. One of the comment cards read, “Amazing trip… I want to learn to sail.”

As we get ready to board, I asked how many? Shelia, our customer service expert replied, “it booked up, you have 42 people”. After boarding the boat, we fond that there was a couple aboard that invited all their family and friends to sail with them after their wedding yesterday at the Chesapeake Bay Beach Club. They had around 30 guests aboard. All the guests enjoyed the breeze as it picked up towards the last half of the sail. The wind was finicky today.
On the third sail, our guest count was 18. Back to a bit more of a normal sized crowd on a Monday. We had great breeze and made it near the Bay Bridge, but not quite there. As we sailed back to the Severn the wind picked up more, and we were able to sail to the Rt. 450 bridge. As we sailed back to the harbor, the wind picked up to 15-18 knots and we almost put the rail in the water. It was exciting.

The last sail, my favorite of the day, had 33 people and it was History Monday. Heather, from Historic Annapolis Foundation, came aboard in her bright and cheery dress to talk about Pirates on the Chesapeake. The info was fascinating. We learned about Claiborne, Blackbeard, Kidd and many others. As we sailed under the Bay Bridge… wait did I mention the breeze? We had 15-20 knots of wind and a cool breeze that even gave me goose-bumps. We only needed 3 sails and we were sailing fast. Heather couldn’t stop telling all the guests how lucky they were to have this great breeze in the middle of the summer.
As we sailed under the Bay Bridge, a Ro-Ro (car carrier) came under the Bay Bridge! It was really great timing. You realize how gigantic they are when they steal your wind for 2-3 minutes. Cool passing! We had such great guests aboard all day and everyone was so appreciative! Oh… and the sunset was amazing. As Reagan, 11 years old, said to me, “it looks like blue and pink cotton candy” referring to the clouds on the opposite side of the sunset.
Reagan loved the Sail and still talks about it! We are home now and will definately be back!