We had a terrific day today with 2 great, windy cruises. We hit over 10 knots. The guests aboard both of our cruises really appreciated that we really sailed. And sailed fast. The boat was healing nicely over and everyone felt the excitement of a wonderful sail. We had a lot of sailors aboard and they fell in love with the Woodwind II. Pics were even sent in by the end of the day! Click here. And they even got a pic of me, click here.
Unfortunately, a thunderstorm was headed towards Annapolis just as we would have started boarding for the sunset sail. After delaying 15 minutes to see what the storm might do, we walked outside and a lightning bolt came down, and then the thunder. We cancelled the trip and refunded the sail for all those that couldn’t make a sail tomorrow.

I hope there is a great, cool breeze tomorrow.
My sons and I were aboard the Woodwind II today. What a great experience. We will definitely be back. (FYI…. Date of blog should be the 11th). =)
Thanks Sandy, I just changed the date and added your photos! Thanks for a wonderful day.