And their off. We sailed out to the start line to send of the Woodwind for The Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race. We circled the starting area watching all the boats arriving from the Inner Harbor in Baltimore where they all did the parade of sail the day before. I think there might have been a party involved somewhere as well.
The winds were fair about an hour before the start but they were dropping quick. By the time the race started the winds were probably 5 knots or less. A lot of the bigger boats were having a hard time just getting to the start line. It did not help that the current was against them either, making it twice as hard to get there. Some boats did not make it over the start line until 30-45 minutes after the starting gun had sounded.

Fortunately the Woodwind is much lighter and excels in light air conditions. The race crew had her positioned perfectly at the start so no one was covering their air and they were able to get off to a clean fast start. What a sight watching her build speed and leave all the competitors in her wake. It was fun to see her doing well while we were able to watch.

There were so many beautiful ships along the start line and it was great to be able to get in close enough so everyone could get some good pictures.

Good luck to the Woodwind crew and we will wait to hear for the results.