Only a couple of times during the year do we venture out on our Chesapeake Bay Lighthouse Tour. And today was one of those days. Our goal is to try and get to at least 3 of our closest lighthouses. The wind was not in our favor but the weather was. Almost non-existent(the wind) we relied more on our secret 5th sail(the diesel) to get us to most of our lighthouses today.
The sun was out though and the weather was mild, and all who came aboard enjoyed the warmth of the sun on their faces as we headed south for our 1st lighthouse. Our guide, Meg Govan, was so friendly and knowledgeable she made everyone feel right at home. Thank you Meg for all your wonderful history on the lighthouses and just about everything else we passed in the bay.
The 1st light house we visited was the Thomas Point light. Built in 1875 it is the last remaining working screw pile lighthouse in the bay.

On our way out to the Thomas point light my captains assistant was Lily and she did a great job driving the boat. Thank you Lily!!!!!

Our next destination is the lighthouse at Bloody Point. This is at the southern end of Kent Island, which is the largest island in the Chesapeake Bay. After rounding the light at Bloody Point you head North up into Eastern Bay and can get to St. Michael’s from there. The deepest section in the whole Bay is found right off of the light and it goes down to 174′ deep. We drove over this and watched as the depth finder followed the bottom down.

Driving most of the way to Bloody point was my next guest captain, Tracy. Tracy has been out with us before but had never driven. You did a great job and we look forward to seeing you again!

Leaving Bloody Point we headed north toward the Bay Bridge. Being that we had no wind and were motoring our time was running a bit short and we were unable to make it all the way to the Sandy Point light, but we were able to see it and we were also able to see the Baltimore light at the entrance to the Magothy river. Meg was able to fill everyone in on the history of both the lights.
We also had lots of people out celebrating with us today. One couple was celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary(wow- congratulations). Another couple celebrated their 30th anniversary and yet another was celebrating their 10th. Mary Ann was enjoying her birthday today. Congrats to all and thanks for enjoying your special day with us.
Over all a great time was had by all and the sun shone for us all day. Another great day on the water!!!