Schooner Woodwind

Thank you for a great sailing season. See you in April 2025!

Cow Nose Rays & More

A very light air day we had today. We were able to sail on all of our sails even though we didn’t venture very far into the Chesapeake Bay.  But the flat water did help for viewing of the wildlife on the Chesapeake.

We saw our first baby osprey head above the Red #4 Day Marker. We also saw tons of little fish schooling right on top of the water. Must have been something really big chasing them.  But the coolest wildlife we are seeing right now are the Cow Nose Rays. (I kept calling them hog nose rays… I stand corrected.) We are now seeing 2-3 rays on each trip. Some closer than others. But by the time we get the camera out, you guessed it- they were gone.

So I dug up a great website to learn more about these cool rays. Check it out here.

We also had a great beer tasting aboard the boat with John from Flying Dog. Everyone tasted the Woody Creek Wit Beer, Snake Dog IPA and the Road Dog Porter. Only a couple more weeks for the beer tastings with Flying Dog and most importantly, the end of Road Dog Porter as we know it today. They are reformulating it, and will be re-released next year. 🙁

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