Sailing Season is Here. Join Us for a Sail!

Holy Cranes

The heat is on!!  Wow, what a hot day yesterday… but we had a nice breeze on the boat. Our first cruise of the day was a Girl Scout Troop from VA. They were juniors learning our Sailing & Navigation program. After the cruise they were going to do the Geocaching Adventure Trail that we have made available to the girl scouts who do our sailing programs.  I hope they did well and didn’t melt once they got back to land.

Crane Vessel transiting the Chesapeake Bay

On our 1:30 cruise, we were all hoping to get a glimpse of the huge crane ship transporting 4 ‘Port of Baltimore Container cranes’ up the Chesapeake Bay. this ship is so large and the clearance that is needed so high, that the ship needed to wait until a very low tide. They actually closed the vehicle  bridge traffic for 40 minutes to allow this vessel to pass. (They didn’t want the distraction of the boat for the drivers.) We got to see it pass from a distance, but here’s a link to its passage, here.

Transport vessel for Port of Baltimore Container Cranes
Here is a photo I took of the cranes all vertical. They tilted these cranes to fit under the Bay Bridge today!

Last Thursday, I was lucky enough to see this ship up close. This is when they had all the cranes vertical, the way they will be installed in Baltimore. This ship is from China, and as I am told, this ship is built for transporting these cranes from China to here. On Friday when we sailed far from the ship, we noticed that the cranes were way more horizontal, like 60 degrees from where they were the day before. This was done to fit the vessel under the bridge.

Oh, one last things about cranes. The crane at the Chart House left today and the ones outside the yacht clubs (Eastport and Severn Sailing Association) were moved today. Our skyline is looking perfect again!

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