And what a great day it was for it!!
The sun was out and the winds were blowing 10-15 knots all day. Yeeha hold onto your hats.
We started our day with a trip full of girl scouts doing our Power of Team program. They got to learn about the boat, trim the sails and captain the boat as well. They had lots of fun and did a wonderful job getting us back to port.

Our wine selections today were all from the Tommasi vineyards. We chose 2 whites and 2 reds. Howard, our wine expert, comes along and educates us on everything we are tasting.Thanks Howard for all the fun info.

We had lots of frequent sailors join us for our trip. It was good to see everyone again. One of the Woodwinds good friends from Baltimore, Miss Dee Morales came aboard after just getting engaged the day before. Congratulations Dee and Dave.

Our sunset sail turned out to be as exciting as the rest of the day. The winds picked up and we sailed our %?”!”s off!!! We had a bday girl join us and the crew got the whole boat to sing her happy bday.Hope you enjoyed your day Linda. We also had a couple out celebrating their 46th anniversary(congratulations!!).

Sailing under the Bay Bridge is always fun and with the winds we had were able to make it there yesterday..
Another great day comes to and end…….Thanks to all….. Capt. Mickey