Any one who came sailing with us this weekend sure got lucky. We had some of the best weather of the month so far. Saturday and Sunday we were just about full on all our trips. The winds were a little light on Sat., but on Sunday the winds were blowing 12-15 knots and we had some great sailing.

As the crew got the boat ready for the 1st trip of the weekend the sun was warming everything up and the wind was building some from the west. We headed out and set sails for a broad reach out of the Severn river heading for the Bay. As we got out to the Bay one of the first things we saw was a big submarine anchored there. We later found out it was a fast attack nuclear powered sub-hunter.

We also saw a guided missile cruiser anchored also. They were both here for the Navy homecoming weekend. We had lots of people out celebrating. Birthdays and Bachelaretes and Anniversaries, what a great weekend to have to enjoy your celebrations!!!
The winds were a little disappointing Saturday. There were tons of boats out there for different regattas and the were all drifting around their separate starting lines waiting for the wind to build enough to get a race in. On Sunday however with the awesome winds we saw lots of action out their on the different courses.

The weekend went off without a hitch and we had lots of fun people come out with us. Thank you to all our guests and we’ll see you again soon.
Thank you to all my crew for the weekend you did a great job with the boat and taking care of all our guests. This comment card says it all!!!!