Sailing Season is Here. Join Us for a Sail!

The Odd Couple

This weekend marks the start of Commissioning Week in Annapolis.  There are many activities and events surrounding the graduation of Midshipmen at the Naval Academy.  One of these events is the Class of 2015’s Ring Dance.  We were pleased to have Lindsey aboard today, a member of the class of 2015.  Lindsey received her ring yesterday, and explained the ceremony of dipping the new ring into the water of the seven seas.  This is a rite of passage for the Second Class of the Academy.  Congratulations Lindsey!!

Lindsey and Chance on deck of the Woodwind
Lindsey and Chance on deck of the Woodwind

Lindsey’s date was a good fellow named Chance.  Chance attended the other military academy, West Point.  They met at the Army vs Navy Game last year!

Chris Craft entering Ego Alley
Chris Craft entering Ego Alley

Today, my Float Everything mantra was inspired while Woodwind laid in her slip.  We were treated to the sight of a fleet of Classic Chris Crafts on a slow bell down Ego Alley.  When you’re running a boat like that, you don’t have to rush for anyone!


The next vessel that caught our eye was a rowboat with a coxswain.

Float Everything!
Float Everything!



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Schooner Woodwind