We had 4 wonderful sails today. The winds were light most of the day and the amount of passengers per trip was low, but the weather conditions were fantastic.
The sun was shining the winds were blowing and it was just a great day to be on the water.

Celebrating her birthday a day early Danielle and Zhen came out on our 1st trip of the day and enjoyed having the entire boat to themselves, what a treat.
Happy Birthday Danielle.
Our 2nd trip brought Anita from Hawaii out sailing with us. She owned a Cal 25 for many years and enjoyed steering.
Monday night is always History Monday aboard the Woodwind and tonight we had Diane Rey with us portraying Anne Catherine Green. As usual it was wonderful to have her with us and we all enjoyed learning more about the history of our area.
Thank you Diane.
And the sunset…… I will let the pictures speak for me.

See ya’ll out there next time. Capt. Mickey