Tonight, we sailed with one of my favorite groups of the season… J-Word Sailing School. All season, we sail around each other telling our guests about their sailing school and what maneuver they are teaching their students at that moment. It may be a man overboard drill, how to hove-to, or just how to sail fast. Their instructors are always courteous and wave so enthusiastically.

So, every year, J-World takes out their sailing instructors and guests for a sail. The past 3 years there has been less than stellar breezes. This was the year, 10-18 knots of breeze from the NW. Many took a turn at the helm, but there were many that just wanted to sail the Woodwind upwind. They all loved it.
However, it’s tough sailing a boat that handles so much differently than the 26-foot boats that they teach on in front of all your peers. All instructors kept busting on each other that they could sail better. At one point they roll tacked the Woodwind. And then joking around, they all got on the rail, like if it was a much smaller race boat to even out the pressure of the wind in the sails.
Great night with great people!