Sailing Season is Here. Join Us for a Sail!

Celebrate Good Times!

Sailing up the Severn River on the Schooner Woodwind II, celebrating Hillary's Sweet Sixteen!
Sailing up the Severn River on the Schooner Woodwind II, celebrating Hillary’s Sweet Sixteen!


The past two days there was much celebration aboard our schooners!  Friday evening, Hillary and her friends from Alexandria sailed with us.  She was celebrating her Sweet Sixteen!  Her next adventure is a trip to France and Spain!!

Saturday, we continued the party with our first time sailing friend Joe’s 35th birthday, a 15th wedding anniversary, and a bachelorette party.  Cheers to you all, thanks for celebrating with us!

We wound the day down with a soothing sunset sail.  After checking in on the osprey chicks living on the R4 mark (they’re getting really big!), one of our guests spotted a similar looking bird flying outbound along the Severn.  It was a beautiful immature bald eagle.  Our resident birder and crew, Don, determined that is was 2 to 3 years old.  It’s awesome seeing the comeback of the osprey and eagles on the Chesapeake!

After the landing at the Annapolis Waterfront Hotel Dock, the view up Ego Alley was jaw dropping-

A great view from Woodwind's slip at the Annapolis Waterfront Hotel Dock!
Sunset over Ego Alley, Annapolis

and I’m not talking about the good looking patrons of Pusser’s 🙂  We see a lot of sunsets aboard the boats; this one gave the crew a moment of peace at the end of a bustling day.


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Schooner Woodwind