Schooner Woodwind

2025 Sailing Season starts April 12th!

Cancer Survivor Enjoys a Beautiful Day on the Woodwind with her Daughter and Friends

My mom almost died from an experimental cancer procedure at Johns Hopkins on May 2, 2023. She fought for her life and health from May to July. For the first several weeks, she came in and out of knowing where she was. She was bedridden for months and then, worked her way into a wheelchair … got through rehab and eventually learned to walk again. One of the best days of her last 8 months – besides time with her children and grandchildren – was this perfect day on the Woodwind. She was given the opportunity to drive the boat and told her story on video camera with the captain at her side.

These memories are priceless. Thank you. It doesn’t matter if I win the photo contest. I just wanted you to know that you made a difference and thank you for that great day with my mom.

Photo by Wendy Biava of Damascus, Maryland
