Sailing Season is Here. Join Us for a Sail!

“And away they all flew like the down of a Thistle.”

As we headed out into the bay this Saturday we were fortunate to catch a regatta of Thistles.  These small sloops are fast, especially in the fresh breeze we had that day. Hence the title, “And away they all flew like the down of a Thistle.”

What is even more interesting is that they have been a competitive class since 1945.  Sandy Douglass designed the boats and the early boats were made out of plywood.  In fact, here is a shot of a wooden one still racing.

Wooden Thistle
Wooden Thistle

He also designed the Flying Scott which are still being built on Deep Creek, Maryland.







Under spinnaker.
Under spinnaker.
Charging Woodwind's stern.
Charging Woodwind’s stern.
















We have enough speed to sail under the Bay Bridge.

A strong southerly propels us toward the Bridge.
A strong southerly propels us toward the Bridge.

We tack around and head back.  under bridgeWe are not alone.  Our twin sister is making her approach.

Woodwind II sails under the Bridge as we sail back.
Woodwind II sails under the Bridge as we sail back.

 For those of you who think the Woodwinds as large, look how small we are by comparison to the Bay Bridge.  It is 186 feet from the water to the underside of the Bridge and our mast is a mere 65 feet tall.

Toward the end of the day we catch one more glimpse of Woodwind II, all sails set with the Navel Academy as a dramatic background.

As the sun fades, the Naval Academy is a silhouetted back drop.
As the sun fades, the Naval Academy is a silhouetted back drop.

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Schooner Woodwind