Sailing Season is Here. Join Us for a Sail!

A Hot Breezy Day

It was a scorcher… on land. Out on the water we had a nice breeze for 3 of the 4 sails.

The first sail was the battle of the land breeze with the sea breeze. We had good breeze, until we sailed in the convergence zone where there was none. This is always fascinating to watch.  One moment you see boats sailing with the wind coming over their port side, down the bay, you see boats sailing with the wind on their starboard side.

Sailing into the sunset on Woodwind
Sailing into the sunset on Woodwind

By the second cruise the wind filled in from the NW, so the land breeze won the tug of war. We gybed down the Severn River and into the Bay, hoping for enough breeze to get us to the Bay Bridge. Just short each time.

The third cruise, we had a really well behaved group of Brownies from Virginia. They loved tacking the boat back up the Severn River with puffs of breezes that almost had the side rail of the boat touch the water! Everyone enjoyed the lovely breezes out on the water. When we got to the dock, no one wanted to leave the boat.

The sunset sail was a great one. Nice breezes, happy people and some cloud cover.  The moon was almost full as it appeared from a bank of clouds. These hot and humid days give us really nice breezes. As soon as the sun went down, so did our wind.


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Schooner Woodwind