The light and variable breeze that we had all day strengthened to a cool 10-15 knots from the SW providing the Wednesday Night Racing fleet with a beautiful evening. Both Woodwinds were privately chartered by one company so the competition aboard was strong. Jen and I on both Woodwinds carefully set our strategies for a well timed start. Unfortunately for me, I was out maneuvered by Jen and fouled her at the start. This ultimately cost us the race because we had to do a penalty 360° turn, but provided a very exciting race for all our guests. My crew performed flawlessly and our guests enthusiastically helped by providing proper trim.
We wisely decided to set a race course that we were able to finish within an hour’s time. The guests on board eagerly took advantage of the offer to steer giving them a fresh insight as to why sailing is such a thrill. Many of them were so surprised at how such small adjustments in both helm and sail trim had such a real effect on speed. All this with a backdrop of over a hundred yachts with their colorful sails all made for a memorable evening. And a gorgeous sunset!