Sunday, the southwest wind blew between 15 to 20 knots, producing ideal sailing conditions. We tacked out of the harbor and then eased our course and toward the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. Stacey had never sailed before, but she enjoyed the experience so much that she asked to take the helm a second time. Later in the cruise she was given the opportunity which so changed her outlook that she has decided to take sailing lessons.
We sailed under the Bay Bridge and then turned around and headed back. Woodwind II had also taken the same course but turned before us. She had a charter with food on board and Captain Andy wisely opted not to carry full sail, so that the passengers could eat their food (instead of wearing the food), where as we pressed on with all available canvas. Slowly we gained on them until they were just ahead and to our leeward as we turned for Annapolis Harbor.
The last sail of the day started the same as the first three: Great sailing with both vessels racing to the Bridge. However, we notice the sky darkening and the cloud patterns change from puffy to menacing. Both Captain Andy and I both decide to shorten sail and head back. As the photo below illustrates, it looks as if Mother Nature decides to point a cloudy finger directly at Woodwind II’s rig.