Schooner Woodwind

2025 Sailing Season starts April 12th!

Saturday’s Sails….B&B Sunrise

We had a great day of sailing today. The winds were steady in the 12 to 15 knot range and we had a 4.5 hour  charter. We sailed down to Thomas Point Light and then most of the way to Bloody Point Light then all the way back up the bay to home. What a great day. And this was just the start.

Our 2nd trip of the day was one of our regular 2 hour tours and we headed for the bay bridge this time and made it most of the way there before turning around and having a fun reach all the way back to the dock.

Our sunset sail was fabulous as always. we had at 7 people out celebrating their birthdays aboard the boat this evening.WOW. Happy Birthday everyone!!!!

Tonight was our B&B aboard the boat and we had some wonderful guests. In the morning when I was setting up for breakfast in the cockpit we had a wonderful sunrise and I tried to capture this on the camera. I love the mornings, especially on a boat!!

Sunrise In Annapolis Aboard Schooner Woodwind
Sunrise In Annapolis Aboard Schooner Woodwind

Good Morning Annapolis


1 thought on “Saturday’s Sails….B&B Sunrise”

  1. My wife and I had a fantastic time aboard the Woodwind on Saturday evening along with the other passengers and crew. The sunset cruise was awesome and totally relaxing; I also thoroughly enjoyed assisting the crew in hoisting the sheets and taking a turn as helmsman. After our cruise, we went for dinner in town while the crew prepared the schooner for our overnight stay. Later that evening, my wife and I joined two other couples and Captain Mickey for refreshments and conversation on the deck until it was time to turn in for the night. The cabins were quite cozy and the Woodwind gently “rocked” us to sleep. On Sunday morning we awoke to the welcome aroma of fresh-brewed coffee and the delicious catered breakfast that Captain Mickey had set up on deck. No one seemed to want to leave but we eventually did, reluctantly, as the time drew near for a new set of passengers to enjoy their time aboard. We will highly recommend this experience to our friends and we are anticipating a future return visit!


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