Sailing Season is Here. Join Us for a Sail!

Launching of Woodwind III

I know many of you have have been asking about the possibility of a third vessel.  Well, after much head scratching and fund raising efforts, we finally are announcing today that Woodwind III has been launched.  We will now share these photos of our new venture.  Sam was chosen as captain, Mike W as 1st Mate.

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Sam discusses final plans for maiden voyage. Mike listens intently (as well he should).

The vessel has been inspected and the two stalwart sailors plan to shove off.

Shoving off!
Shoving off!

You will notice subtle but significant differences between the older sisters and the new vessel, such as  lower free-board, a new radical shape and an exceedingly flat bottom (photos not yet available of bottom).


Sam strikes a commanding pose as Mike engages the engine.
Sam strikes a commanding pose as Mike engages the engine.

Unlike Woodwind and Woodwind II, Woodwind III is completely green. Her engine being placed in position as Sam ducks to avoid the powerful thrust of her engine. There is no carbon footprint with this sophisticated power-plant.

Sam ducks to avoid the powerful stroke of the engine.
Sam ducks to avoid the powerful stroke of the engine.
Sam alerts Mike to an oncoming freighter, just in time to avoid collision.
Sam alerts Mike to an oncoming traffic, just in time to avoid collision.
Oncoming traffic.

Woodwind III heads out to sea for the first time. Bookings are available starting the second Tuesday of next week.

Woodwind III on her new adventure!
Woodwind III on her new adventure!

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Schooner Woodwind