Sometimes, when no one is looking, I escape! This is the schooner Adventurer, which is owned by Mark Faulstick from Norwalk, Connecticut (my home state). She was designed and built by the famous designer, John Alden, in 1928. She has been a highly successful racer in the Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race in class B (Woodwind also participates in class A). The reason I am showing you these photos is to illustrate how detail minded she is constructed and, more important, cared for. Nothing has been left to chance. The canvas covers on hatches to protect the varnish is just one small example. Despite the care, she is not a museum piece. She is sailed well and hard.

Mark, my heartfelt thanks for preserving such a gorgeous vessel. See you in the fall.

Her crew are ready to head out (Mark is on the left).