That is exactly what Dominic and Michael are doing. They are visiting from Munich, Germany and came out for the day on the Woodwind.
It was a pleasure to meet you guys and they did a great job steering the boat.
We also had a great couple out from Guatemala in Central America. They were avid scuba divers and we had a lot to talk about comparing dive sites from around the world.
And we also had Capt. Ethan skippering the boat for awhile. I think he was having a good time. What do you think. Thanks Ethan you did a great job, and it was nice having you and your mother aboard.

I captained 3 out of our 4 sails today and then Capt. Ken came aboard for his regularly scheduled Wednesday ritual of trying to beat his daughter Capt. Jen around the buoys racing. It was a fantastic race with lightening in the background over Kent Island and the winds picking up to 10-15 knots. I will not spoil the surprise of how we did and let you hear it from Capt. Ken.