We did the impossible! Our guests had a chance to taste wonderful beer, see Thomas Point Light, see a rainbow and sail in near perfect conditions.

Thomas Point Light is probably the most famous light house on the Chesapeake Bay. It was completed in 1875 and is the only screw pile light house still on station. This view shows the red and white sector on the lens (for enlarged view, click on image). If you see a red flash you are on the wrong side of the light. White flash tells you all is well.

Just prior to us leaving the dock, nature had soaked everything and even given us some thunder and lightning. This made for a dramatic sky and created some unusual views of the light house.
Terry, from Heavy Seas Brewery is extolling the wonders of the delicious Cutlass beer. We are fortunate to have such excellent beer as close as Baltimore. Terry has invited everyone to visit the brewery on a tour. If you like beer, it is a great way to spend some time seeing it made.

As we head back in, nature assures us that the rain is indeed over with a stunning view of a rainbow next to Greenbury Point.