Schooner Woodwind

2025 Sailing Season starts April 12th!

Chick Watch 2012

Ospreys in Annapolis, taken from Schooner WoodwindNo, it’s not what you’re thinking.  Although the spring weather does bring many attractive people to Annapolis, we’ve been looking out for newborn osprey!  We’ve been keeping tabs on some of the osprey homes in Annapolis’ harbor, on the Severn, and Back Creek.  Many of these awesome nests are built upon day marks, pilings, and navigation aids that we cruise by daily. The recent behavior of the mature male and females at several nest locations indicate that their eggs have likely hatched.  We have observed both parents sitting out of the nests, as well as the delivery of fresh caught fish.  I believe it’s a matter of days before we start seeing the heads of immature osprey peeking out of the nests, catching their first visions of the Chesapeake.  But, I’m no ornithologist, I’m just a sailor (sigh)- check ’em out for yourselves!!

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