Sailing Season is Here. Join Us for a Sail!


Schooner Woodwind departing Back Creek
Schooner Woodwind departing B


Charlotte, Don, and I started the day by inspecting Woodwind II’s mainmast.  We frequently perform inspections as a matter of maintenance to preserve the safety, performance, and aesthetic of our schooners.  While gathering tools and materials for the inspection, we saw Woodwind sailing into Back Creek, where we were docked.  I grabbed the boat’s camera, went aloft, and snapped this picture of Woodwind on her way out.   Hope you enjoy the perspective!




Opposite tacks on the Severn River
Opposite tacks on the Severn River


After lunch, Sam joined the crew.  At 1400, we departed the Marriott sDock with some friends celebrating a 50th birthday.  They were a lively bunch, very fun people.  To the north, a weather cell popped up.  It tracked to the east, showing off some dramatic skies.  We crossed tacks with Woodwind twice on the Severn, while heading toward the blue skies down the bay under main, jib, and staysail.

After we leaving the mouth of the Severn, we saw the windshift coming from the north.  We struck the staysail, headed up, put single reef in the main, then made south for 1AH, the entrance mark for Annapolis Harbor.  We were 10kts on a broad reach!


Don sailing Woowind II with a single reefed main and jib
Don sailing Woowind II with a single reefed main and jib


After the cell passed, Don piloted us back up the Severn River.  We managed to stay mostly dry 🙂


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Schooner Woodwind