YP stands for Yard Patrol. The midshipmen cruise these vessels near the YARD (it’s not a campus). These steel hulled vessels we saw were less than 2 years old. The Navy is gradually replacing their aging fleet of 40+ year old, wooden hulled vessels.
Here we can see a MOB (man overboard) drill in progress. The “victum”, in this case, is a MOB orange ring. This YP is 109 feet long.

Sultana (below) is an exact replica of a cargo vessel built built in the colonies in 1768. She was completed in 2001 and has her home port in Chestertown, MD. The original vessel was purchased by the British and refitted as a war vessel to stop smuggling and piracy. For more information check out her well done website at http://sultanaeducation.org/about-sultana/schooner-sultana/.
Some friends spend some happy moments taking in the sights as well as sharing toast to their friendship.