Schooner Woodwind

2025 Sailing Season starts April 12th!

Let it Rain, Let it Rain, Let it Rain….


Sam on the bow on a blustery day
Sam on the bow on a blustery day

And it did. All day. And all night. But we did have some adventurous souls that wanted to sail and it so happens that we love sailing!! We ended up not going out on our 1st sail of the day and on the 2nd we had 2 people. Denise and John. It was Denise’s birthday .

Happy Birthday Denise!!! They love to try new things whenever they visit new towns and chose the Woodwind adventure cruise to continue this tradition.  And even helped raising all the sails. What troopers.

Denise and Sam raising the Stay Sail
Denise and Sam raising the Stay Sail

On our next sail we had a family from the Pittsburgh area that had been out with us several times before and were excited for doing something different. You can sail in the sun anytime. And young Ethan had a ball steering the boat.

Ethan at the wheel of Woodwind II
Ethan at the wheel of Woodwind II

Having sailed with us in the past the Renninger family stated that despite the rain it was their favorite sail with us to date. Even though it rained all day the winds were in the 15-18 knot range most of the day and made the sailing exciting.

10.4 knots with only main and jib up!!!
10.4 knots going across to Kent Island

Thanks for sailing with us and we look forward to having you out again.

The Renninger Family
The Renninger Family

Our last sail of the day ended as we started. In the rain. But that didm,t keep the 30 people we ended up going out with away. All had a good time.

So Thank you to all our adventurous people who braved the elements to be a part of this exciting experience….anyone can sail in the sun.  See you next time….Capt. Mickey




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