Coming off a busy Memorial Day weekend, my crew-mates Don, Kevin, and I welcomed today’s lighter breeze on Woodwind. After leaving the harbor with some guests, we decided to head around the Eastport peninsula to check on some of the osprey. We cruised past George and Martha, the ospreys that reside on the Horn Point shoal marker. But, we did not find what we were looking for, so we pushed onward.
This time of year brings the hatching of osprey chicks, after about 5 weeks of incubation. Today, we initiated the post Memorial day event of Chickwatch 2013!! Okay, maybe it’s not an event, and maybe we suffer from post holiday BBQ depression Regardless, we are pretty excited about seeing some osprey chicks!

On Woodwind, we sail past some of the more prominent osprey addresses daily. Today we visited with the birds residing at navigation marks along the entrance to Back Creek. The couples living at marks G3 and G5 were exhibiting behavior that makes us believe they have hatched their eggs! Both the male and female adults were sitting outside of the nest. But, seeing is believing- we did not get a visual confirmation of any young chicks. We’ll keep watching!