More cargo is carried by ship then by any other means. That has always been true, especially for the Chesapeake area. The Chesapeake Bay’s 4000 miles of coastline has made Virginia and Maryland economic power houses. Until the invention of the automobile, the water was the road. You do not want to get in the way of the 882 foot bulk carrier, Pos Ambition.

As one of our guests takes the helm, a car carrier with 6000 cars steams up to Baltimore.

The Century Pearl is another bulk carrier. Notice her cargo booms. The booms give the ship the versatility to load or unload in any port. Baltimore harbor has cargo booms on shore, making the transfer of cargo relatively easy.

I guess we are cargo as well, but you cannot convince the happy people on Woodwind II as she races into Annapolis! My daughter, Captain Jen, gives us a wave.