So there I was on a beautiful Tuesday morning raising the sails when all of the sudden I was inundated with crew from all directions and in all types of water craft.

Capt. Jen on the paddle board, Whitney on the laser, Sam in the blue kayak and Jocyln in the red kayak. What a greta way to spend this awesome day. I can think of only one way better. That’s right sailing with me on the Woodwind. Our first trip of the day turned into a private charter for 2. Joe and Fran from Pittsburgh were the only 2 that signed up and had the boat all to themselves. We had a wonderful sail.

Our next trip was almost as private, we had only 2 couples sign up for that one and we had an excellent sail. The last sail of the day was our Beer tasting with Heavy Seas.

Thank you to Kelly from Heavy Seas Brewery. We always love when you sail with us!!!! We ended up with 17 guests for this trip and they were all treared to good beer and Kelly filled everyone in on how the beers were made and all the fun flavors they were tasting in them. And to top it all off we got another great Annapolis sunset. It was an awesome end to a great day!!!