But it takes a special type of person to come sailing when it’s raining.

And that is exactly what I kept telling everyone all day as the rain continued to fall. But the winds were great and the sailing fantastic and all had a good time.
The rains didn’t come until the 2nd sail of the day so our girl scout troop that came out on our early sail got lucky.
Troop #4651 got the opportunity to learn about the boat, did some navigation with the charts , and each scout got to steer the boat.

What a way to start the day. I hope your picnic lunch after the trip did not get rained out.

The rain gods decided to give us a break and we were able to sail the entire sunset without any rain. The wind picked up and it turned out to be a fantastic sail. It is nice this time of year as it gets dark earlier to come back into the harbor and see all the lights of the town..
Another big round of applause for all the troopers that sailed with us today…you are special!!!
Capt. Mickey